Friday, 22 January 2016

The Stallion

So i would like to make things clear, on what sensory, overload is and what happens to me on daily basis . I’m going to be talking, about Sensory overload and what happens, when you experience sensory overload It is a neurological in which the brain, does not interpret sensory input from the environment correctly . A person that has sensory, over load may be over or under-sensitive to input from their environment: such as the colours, of lights. Colours, noises, of people talking in background music, that is to loud, or people talking, amongst groups . Kettles, plates, wind, supermarkets, buss-stops cafe, horns, cars, crossing, the road, walking, passed others in the street. We feel things different to others like the textures, and tastes in restaraunts We then get very distressed, and irritated, meltdowns occur, are speech is all over the place, hard to process, what others are saying, to us and keeping aware of dangers, around us . Autistic, person will have some kind of sensory integration this is part of our neurotype and part of what makes,us autistic. But sensory, overload can affect and encompass all of the senses Now human beings actually have more than five senses. We have something like eighteen to twenty-two depending on who you ask. I think that there are the basics seven senses that are When a person is under- or over sensitive to any of the sensory input they may experience is going to be a lot different than a neurotypical persons experience. And their life is going to be very different because of the things that they have to deal with. And it could be things like talking, like in restaurant, while they can hear the person who’s is sitting across from them and speaking, its hard for us to interpret what the person is saying, this happens a lot to me . We know that they’re speaking, our brains just can’t filter out all of the auditory likes of information, that individuals, are saying to us in a conversation, or a conversation, with friends . We have our own set of triggers, negative sensory, input that causes, us discomfort or pain in the environment . Our Routine, plays a massive part of our lives, and resistance to change, can also cause sensory, overload we go into a sensory defensiveness so for example, that could be a certain, food and texture, of foods, you eat while out in restaurant, or with friends, at cafe, that can cause sensory defensiveness, interpret by our parents as just picky eaters or even outward defiance, this is sensory integration issues, you know that you’re different . This can also cause a lot of grief in our daily lives, because this world isn’t really built for us . It is so loud, and so fast, and so bright, and all the clothes, are to tight and everything too itchy, and it can be exhausting just trying to get some sleep at night with all these sounds, all around us it can be really hard to deal with, and its very tiring when all this is occurring daily . We are not trying, to be defiant to you we are to just being picky eaters . We don’t need to be shamed in any situation and we don’t need to be coerced, to do things that are going to cause us pain . These things are not just uncomfortable, for us autistic, people or a little annoying, they are very often painful and its very important for you Neurotypicals to understand all our differences, we are different not less so there needs to be more understanding, and accommodation can help go along way . All these, things that occur, take a lot of our brain energy that we would otherwise be putting towards learning or socialising, communication, and self regulating Sensory overload is one of the biggest and most frequent causes of autistic, meltdowns. That’s why it is so important to allow autistic, people and any person with sensory integration autistic, or not to self stimulation in what ever ways that they need to because stiming isn’t just some meaning less activity a repetitive motion . self stimulating is an expression of our self in autistic, people, in people of all neurotypes So letting us sim by stiming is best and most important way to self-regulate it makes us feel comfortable . We can block out negative input with good input Aware of other people, dark-thoughts seem to occur, confusion, dissregulated angry to wards individuals, up set not understanding, body language or emotions, feeling that we can’t express, how were feeling, in less cutting, our selfs in safe place or covering our selves in blood because of the meltdown we have had and how hard the day is for our difficulties, to be confrontational towards peers and undermined, small minded people. Hurting, our selfs in serious, ways can occur, by grazing, our heads up a wall trying to launch our selfs down a flight of stairs, panic-attacks can happen self-harm. Walking, into a busy, environment being amongst busy places and trying to socially interact, with what this normality, society wants us to do but the real question is. Is there any normality, yes, we face our differences, and we see the world, & think different to N’T’s wether it being us seeing things different with our eyes, hearing things with our ears, touching, things in more detail, way to any normalised person smelling, things we like in a Unique way than others do tasting, things more in detail way so why should we fit-ino your normalised world, when we are all different, this world, just needs to accept, our quirks, and our uniqueness, and our meltdowns, different behaviours, we show and other types, of routines, we have and obsessions, than real word, would be passions, of our specific interests, why should we be placed, into a system, were they tell us what we should like and how to be independent in this normalised world . Question, is if there was not any uniqueness or insight to how we perceive, things and our perception, on smells, tastes, colours, noises, this world would be a very, boring place, and wouldn’t have anything interesting to talk, about on how to be. So what if we can’t, understand the meanings of Sadness, Anger, Fear, Disgust, Guilt, why should you try and make us like a robots, or treat us like robots, just because you don’t have any understanding, on how to take us for our Autistics, selfs a person not labels, because labels, should remain on the tin cans, in our cupboards, it doesn’t define us for being so different does it . Quote Autistics, can be talented, witty, smart, sensitive, independent, loving, empathetic. We may just require, a little more support, to deal with our challenges, and to cope in the areas, we are fragile in . Don’t destroy, yourself by allowing negative, people to add gibberish and debris to your character, reputation, and aspirations. Keep all dreams, alive but discreet, so that those with unhealthy tongues, won’t have any other option than to infest themselves, with their own differences . Autistic, meltdown .. Overstressed/Overwhelmed .. Reactive mechanism .. Continues with out attention .. Safety may be compromised fatigue .. Not goal dependent .. May require assistance to gain control Feeling everything can be very overwhelming and trying to contain these things can cause distress disregulated and be very Exhausting I Don’t have Autism, or with Autism I am Autistic,. It Doesn’t mean i see myself as a Disability first a person second I’m me . I started, blogging again because, i want to explain, that i do face all these everyday so listen to our voices, and don’t define what we don’t feel, our sensations, in side our head and body. As for typical, people out there yes, i have serious difficulties, it does not mean that every Autistic, you meet will be same as the movie, rain man or Temple Grandin or X+y so listen to our voices, and accept for being the people we are I am me, and only me i will never, put my self- into your normalised society, or world, accept me for who i am and my quirks peace. Reason being i decided, to blog again because i had tough experience, at the supermarket yesterday and all loud places and conversations i just blew & my head exploded, full of anger, and disstress, after going my self to supermarket yesterday and i taken to cutting, my self again and meltdown, occurred, in serious of having nose bleeds and was covered in blood after all the frustrations i felt. So i wanted, to explain, what i deal- with and for others to just understand reasons for it and not to push- me into environment, that i feel unsafe in because when i am in my safe, place i let it all out in anger, and frustration and not understanding why this happens. I am aware as i gotten older, that i remove, my self to my safe place then i feel better but not that i am hurting, ones that love me deeply, by taking to hurting my self from sensory overload Love Jamie .