Monday, 9 November 2015

Monkey Mind

He might have been encased in a thick glass bubble, so separate did he feel from his three dining companions. It was a sensation with which he was only too familiar, that of walking in a giant sphere of worry, enclosed by it, watching his own terrors roll by, obscuring the outside world. J-k Rowling  

Anxiety, can be to do with your thoughts i get distracted very easily by what could go wrong.

So that is  just kind of struggling to see through the looking class of a mirror,  to see, other people, around me becomes enormously, difficult, and really exhausting, are exhaustion, is really one of primary experiences and feeling, of being sick, and dizziness its as if load, of flashing, lights are countering strikes of lightening as if a electric, shock has zapped all your focus, and energy .

When struggling, with anxiety it can be a daily experience, you don't no what brings it on its just there it just happens .

Anxiety, can be related to time, when you're anxious, you're thinking forward to what's going to go wrong.

What is going to happen how you came across, to another person constantly, analyzing the conversations  .

Or you're thinking back or to what's already, gong wrong, and therefore make the future go even wronger .

But when your, talking, to someone in articulately, it forces, you into the present forces you to be mindful in a way reduces your anxiety afterwards i'm sure you worry about all the things that i said wrong and shouldn't said it this way or that way .

When it hits, you it feels, as if a hurricane, has hit the inside of your mind, and body, and it takes over your whole functioning cable abilities .

Knowing, whats going on in your head, can reduce, your anxiety, its like everything comes into small packages, and big packages.

So what, we have to do is overcome, each challenge we face everyday, other wise Anxiety will eat us alive .

You can't hide it and you can feel it you can feel it in the hugs you can feel it as if  it comes, as if you see ocean of waves, its like down pour of a waterfall .

You can barely leave the house, most days you can't see your friends, it eats a chunk, out of your life.

You just have to put, on them boxing, gloves and go out there in the world, and fight every single day if we get knocked down keep get back up and fighting.

If you allow, your thoughts to get bad, or frustrating, your thoughts will take over into darkness, and control you then you feel as if your in cage, in zoo wanting, to get out but you cant and in that really dark place  try not allow it to get that bad.

Keep a close watch on it because the consequences, if not are are terrible and you have friends and family and loved ones you  don't want to get to the point where you're so anxious its like being locked into yourself its all you can think about its being stuck in your own head so that you don't love other people when your so low about your life.

You are not your, thoughts

The interesting thing about the monkey, mind is that it tricks itself and this is why you fall into the trap all the time.

To catch a monkey, just stick a banana in jar and the monkey will run over and try get the banana.

The monkey mind will do the same thing It will stick its hand in the jar and grab the banana.

It can easily pull its hand out, but it wont because it will not let go of the banana and it traps itself.

The monkey mind or ego would never let go of the banana even for its own freedom

The battle, is not over yet we still, have to go to war.

I hope you have liked this been a long, time since i have typed out on my blog

Regards Jamie .