Friday 19 June 2015

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths.

I have decided, now that come Monday, i am gonna push, my body, through its limits, weights , training , cardio, running, climbing , circuits,  bouldering, pull-ups. press-ups , sit-ups, kettle bells , swimming ,  i am not taking one rest, day because soon as i rest, that's it i lock, down shut off into a depressing, feeling , anxious , feeling , anxiety, just go away and let me get on with my life !  and hate what i am doing with my goals, so am not looking to get bigger, or stronger, or fitter, i am just going push, my limits on fighting how i feel , inside my head,  i will be so determined, to over come my daily, struggles , so fuck rest days, i don't need rest, as long as its exercise, for me i don't care, if am not doing as much reps, 5 setts 20 , each day is good for me .

Including stretching, i am going go through pain, barrier and stretch my limbs in till i can feel , them moving as if they snap  , and take it and keep training, now no more sitting, in this room , and watching world, go by on being depressed, i am just going, start training, daily, in till i truly, need to rest, then i will but i am not going to take rest, every time i go for climb, boulder, or do routes, following day, when what happen d's is my head cant take sitting around , going insane , worrying about differences , routines, ideas , ill prove to my self that i can defeat, feeling like this .

What is the point of being on this Earth if you are going to be like everyone else

In word,s of my idol, “Stop whining.” and train, like your life depends on it .  

ill keep my mind hungry, then have rest , when i feel , like it i listen to my body, but sometimes, i think am resting at wrong times. 

And that's why my life feels , like a massive fight each time . 

Arnold Schwarzenegger, “Now all of a sudden there was joy, there was struggle, there was pain, there was happiness, there were pleasures, there were women, there was drama. Everything made it feel like “now we are really living!”